Share Capital

Total Share Capital:

10 million shares available for investment, providing ample opportunity for participation.

Price per Share:

Each share is valued at ₦1,000, making it an attractive investment for individuals looking to diversify their portfolios.

Minimum Purchase Requirement:

Members must purchase at least 100 shares, equating to a minimum investment of ₦100,000. This structure ensures that all members have a stake in the cooperative's success.

Sustainable Agriculture:

Investing in organic farming practices, crop diversification, and agro-forestry to promote food security and environmental health.

Water Packaging:

Establishing eco-friendly water packaging solutions that provide clean drinking water while minimizing plastic waste.

Real Estate Development:

Engaging in responsible real estate projects that prioritize sustainable building practices and community development.

Renewable Energy:

Funding initiatives that harness solar, wind, and other renewable energy sources to promote energy efficiency and reduce carbon footprints.

Water Packaging:

Establishing eco-friendly water packaging solutions that provide clean drinking water while minimizing plastic waste.

Real Estate Development:

Engaging in responsible real estate projects that prioritize sustainable building practices and community development.

WHITEshadows Cooperative is an organization that allows individuals to invest in diverse sectors such as agriculture, water packaging, real estate, and renewable energy, promoting both financial returns and sustainable practices.

To become a member, you need to purchase a minimum of 100 shares at ₦1,000 each, totaling a minimum investment of ₦100,000.

There are 10 million shares available for investment within the cooperative.

Dividend payments commence six months after the activation of the share capital, allowing time for the investments to start generating returns.

Yes, dividends can be disbursed quarterly, half-yearly, or annually, depending on the member's preference.

We invest in sustainable agriculture, eco-friendly water packaging solutions, responsible real estate development, and renewable energy initiatives, among others. In summary, all our investment channels are short and medium term investment.

Our investments focus on practices that promotehealthy living, enhance food security, and reduce waste, ensuring that we contribute positively to the community and the planet.

As with any investment, there are risks involved, including market fluctuations and project performance. However, our diversified portfolio aims to mitigate some of these risks as well as undertaken viable insurance schemes.

Members will receive regular updates on the cooperative’s performance, including financial reports and project updates, ensuring transparency and engagement with our investors.

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